Survival Test: A Blog About Garage Doors

Garage Door Repair and Maintenance: The Common Garage Door Issues That Require Professional Intervention

Taking care of your garage door is an essential practice to observe as a property owner. With proper maintenance, your well-functioning garage door will help you access your garage easily. Besides, it will add value to your property and improve the door's longevity. However, you have to know how to identify different garage door problems and when to hire a professional to repair them. Some of the most common garage door issues that require professional intervention include the following: Read More 

Three reasons why you should regularly service your garage doors

As much as homeowners use their garages frequently, many people don't keep up with essential maintenance tasks. Many different components need to work in unison for your garage doors to slide smoothly up and down their rollers. For example, the springs, tension cord, door surface, and opener all require your attention from time to time. Ignoring maintenance could result in a rude shock just when you're late for work or you've come back home after a long day. Read More 

In The Market For New Garage Doors? Have Roller Doors Installed!

The garage door you choose does not merely function as a barrier that keeps your car or the items in your garage hidden from outsiders. The reality is that your garage door plays a critical role in a myriad of things, ranging from security of your home to the insulation of your interiors! Therefore, when purchasing new garage doors, it is imperative to consider the benefits that the different options will provide you beyond closing away that section of your home. Read More 

Upgrades to Consider Before Commercial Roller Door Installation

One way that many businesses upgrade the security of their business is adding roller garage doors. These roller doors can be put in place over the existing front, back and side entrances of the business. As a business owner, you may consider just having the door installed as the only security measure. Though this does offer security for your business, you can add additional security options. Here are a few of the upgrades to consider that can be done during the commercial roller door installation process. Read More 

The Benefits of Wind-Rated Garage Doors

While regular garage doors give you some weather resistance, they may not give sufficient protection if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. High winds can be a particular problem for these doors. Winds and flying objects can warp and damage regular garage doors. In extreme conditions, they can even break the door down. This gives the wind access to the interior of your home, which may then get damaged itself. Read More